Kill Your Boredom

Hey guys,
welcome back to my blog '' Ultimately Creative''.
Today I'm gonna share with you one of the cool DIY crafts which will surely be enjoyable and easy to make. During vacations you might be thinking different ways to kill your boredom if you have not planned for any holiday trips. During the lockdown time too which is basically ''now''.
So lets get to it!!!

Moons & Stars
First off, we're going to make a shiny wall hanger or a shiny dreamcatcher!

So for this DIY craft, YOU WILL NEED:

. Some old CDs
 Hot glue gun
.   4 strands of threads [ long but of different length]
.   Markers

Lets Get Started

Take the CDs and submerge them in hot water for a few minutes.
Let the water cool down. After the water is cold take out the CD and dry it with a towel.
We've now made the CD a bit soft. Draw some stars and a big crescent moon using a marker.
Cut out the shapes neatly. Take the threads that you have in different lengths and stick the stars that you have cut out using hot glue gun[ the number of stars are of your choice].
The next step is to stick the threads with the stars on the bottom part of your moon using hot glue gun [do not stick the threads on the shiny part of the CD, if your CDs both sides are shiny, the following doesn't matter]. Stick a long thread on top of your moon. This thread is used to tie or stick your wall hanger or dreamcatcher wherever you want. VOILA!!!  You have made your wall hanger. Hang it in your bedroom to give your bedroom a good vibe look.


More crafts will be found in my following blogs.

BYE!!!   You can comment on the comment box if you have any suggestion for the next DIY craft. See ya later till the next blog!!✌


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